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Make An Informed Decision

Buying life insurance is too important to your family’s financial security to not know what you’re getting. Contact me to get the facts on different kinds of life insurance so you can make an informed decision for your family and learn more about our How Money Works™ concepts.

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FIN Number

Your Financial Independence Number (FIN) is the amount of money you need to retire confidently. Retirement isn't based on your age, it's a dollar amount. Contact me to learn more about how to calculate your FIN. #TheRealHowMoneyWorks

Schedule An Appointment

Business Consultation

(30 Minutes)

Let's discuss an opportunity for you to make additional income at no risk to your current career. Hours and location are flexible.

Financial Consultation

(45 Minutes)

In this appointment, we will review your current financial position and develop a gameplan to eliminate debt and build wealth.

Products Overview

(45 Minutes)

During this session we will expose you to information about our financial products and services while providing an education on how they will work for you.

Annual Review

(30 Minutes)

Designed for our current clients, we will update contact information and review current products and update the financial gameplan as needed.